Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mark your calendars - May 11, 2013

I've been thinking about this for a while and finally talked to my wife about it today.  We are taking this journey towards better health together.  Today I asked her to do our first 5K together.  I am both excited and terrified at this prospect.

The 5K in question is the Las Vegas 5K which is run on the south end of the Las Vegas Strip and passes the iconic "Welcome To Fabulous Las Vegas" sign.  Its said to be an easy, flat course.

I'm excited that Michele and I get to actually do this together, but terrified of the fact that right now, with my current fitness level a 5K is out of question.  My goal over the next couple of days is to adapt the Couch to 5K program to our time frame which is 15 weeks.  I will stretch the program out, repeating early weeks to get us to the 5K by the event date of May 11.

I am thinking that we should be able to complete this 5K in under 45 minutes and I'm hoping for under 40 minutes.  Now those of you who are runners are thinking "piece of cake" but you have to remember, right now I couldn't make it to the end in an hour.

I know it will take a lot of work and dedication to get us there but we will make it.  Antone out there want to join us on May 11th???


  1. Dan,

    Way to push the comfort zone. And I think it's great that you and the wife are doing this together - I would LOVE to get my wife involved in any of my outdoor pursuits.

    Let's see - 5k is about 3-1/8" miles. I could walk it in about 50 minutes, going at a brisk pace. One of my buddies just posted on FB the other day that he did his first 5k run ever at 37 minutes. I'm not sure, but even if I switched off jogging and walking I think 45 minutes would be do-able. Making it any quicker than that would take some actual running and probably a bit of training.

    Makes me wonder if I could actually even do it... May have to mark out the distance on the rail trail when the snow melts and give it a shot. I have some other motivation - our new mtb club is thinking about putting on a 5k race on the trails we built in town, probably in May. Could I do this and not pull a DFL???

    Makes me think. Maybe I should push MY comfort zone a bit.

    Keep up the good work. Keep on riding (and running).

    Steve Z

    1. Steve,

      I'm thinking that if I can get the training in I might make it "running" the whole way. If not some walking is more than acceptable. I have NEVER been a runner so this will be a stretch.

      I am so excited my wife is going to do this with me!

      Good for you organizing the 5K. It will certainly make people aware of your efforts and such a great setting.


  2. In my mid thirties I dropped fifty pounds by running a cross-country course at the local community college...2.25 miles or something like that. The first few times was one lap at run-some walk-some...but after about a month and a half I was doing two laps effortlessly (really!) and swore that I would never stop.
    There was also some very strict dieting going on at the same time...

    Today, twenty plus years later, I can barely run across the street to dodge traffic. It's odd: I can ride my bike thirty miles like nothing and sixty miles only leaves me thirsty for more beer...but running is like something I am not designed to do. It bugs me and here is 72 year old Lloyd Khan still running and surfing and riding a skateboard (!)

    I have considered re-exploring is the absolute best way to drop poundage...well, you go first, Dan and if you live I may give it a try. I guess it starts with walking. But if I am going more than a ten yards I am doing it on a bike. I'm weird that way.


    1. Hey tj thanks for stopping by!

      Right now I'm in the same boat of preferring to ride to go anywhere. I want to try and change that. I figured I need the pressure of an upcoming event to keep me motivated.

      I grabbed the couch 2 5K trainiong plan and stretched it out to help guide our efforts. I figure the least it will do is get me moving and help me shed some weight.


  3. You go! I wish I could run (bad knees). I have a friend who is running 14 minute miles at 8 1/2 months pregant. If she can do it caring an extra person, just think what you can do!
