Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday Weekly Update #6

Weekly progress update.

Today's Weight: 424 LBS
Weekly Loss: -1.6 LBS
2012 Loss: 10.0 LBS
Daily Calorie Target: 2200
Daily Net Carb target: 20 g

I'm very disappointed in what the scale shows this week.  I'm not sure why its showing a gain.  I was under my net calorie goal for all but one day this week and my net carbs ranged from 17 to 24 g per day.  I had 3 days of exercise, with this morning being the most burn at 771 calories according to MFP.

In looking at my reports for the week, I suspect that sodium is the culprit.  My go to low carb foods seem to have a large amount of sodium in them resulting in daily sodium intake of 2 to 4 times the RDA.  I'm guessing this could be the reason for the gain.  Going to try and watch what I eat and see if I can't lower the sodium significantly.  I'm also going to increase my water consumption to try and flush away some of the sodium.


  1. Dan,

    Your last post and then lack of updates for two weeks has me wondering. Hoping you're still on track and on the bike. Remember the results are worth the trouble.

    Ride on.

    Steve Z

  2. I have been remiss in my weekly updates since there has been no progress. I've been looking at what i'm eating and the calories I'm burning and can't quite figure it out. I'm going for more fruits and vegetables, and less meat int he hope to get things moving. I know I overindulged over Easter weekend and am working at losing the extra lbs.

    The good news is I've gotten in morning rides for 2 days and walked this morning for a change. I know that I'm doing the right thing and have to stick with it.

    Thanks for checking and for the encouragement.

