Friday, November 9, 2012

Weekly update 11/9/12

Today is my first weekly update.  I'll be working with the format for the next few weeks to figure out what works best for me and what information I want to share.

I first want to say that I love the FitBit ultra that I have.  Its small, unobtrusive and it is helping to motivate me to be more active which is its goal.  I love that it wasn't very expensive, that it updates wirelessly, fits easily in a pocket or on my belt and best of all I don't have to subscribe in order to view the data.

Here is a snapshot of my results for the last week:


 30150 steps taken
 55 floors climbed
 15.01 miles traveled

Total BurnedTotal EatenDeficit
27648 cals 20212 cals -7436 cals

Now let's compare this to the previous week's numbers before I decided to get moving at all:


 23855 steps taken
 17 floors climbed
 11.87 miles traveled

Total BurnedTotal EatenDeficit
25998 cals  27476 cals  +1478 cals

As you can see from the above, there was a deficit in calories this week, where there was a surplus in calories the previous week.  Thi will be my baseline week to measure future activity against.

To achieve this, I have managed to cycle 3 days this last week for a total of just shy of 27 miles.  Not a lot of miles, but it is a new start and it is chipping away at my revised goal of 1000 miles this year.  My total is up to 566, only 434 to go.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Today is relaunch day.  I took advantage of the time change to get my butt out of bed and on the bike this morning.  After the ride I realized that I hadn't ridden in 33 days.  33 days.  How quickly we can fall out of the habit and let our old, bad habits take over.

My best guess is that in those 33 days, with the complete lack of exercise and the total poor eating, that I gained about 10 lbs.  Not a good thing at all.  Definitely moving in the wrong direction and its time to get my life back on course to a fitter, healthier me.

Towards that end I purchased a FitBit Ultra tracker to monitor just how active I really m on a daily basis.  I've actually had the tracker for 2 weeks now and have worn it every Day just to get a baseline reading of how inactive I truly am.  let's just say there isn't much place to go, other than up in the activity department.

My goal is to go back to weekly updates with my weight and activities for the week starting this coming Friday.  I'll be pulling numbers from my fitbit as well as listing how many miles I've traveled and how far to get to my revised goal of 1000 miles in 2012.